
The Gappify API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in the Gappify Dashboard.

To authenticate, Gappify user (with System Administrator role) goes to the Gappify Settings page and generates a secret key. This secret key then can be used to initialize the Gappify API Client. Once Gappify Client’s key is initialized it can be used to make business calls.

Token obtained from the Gappify Admin should be used as a header in every request:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Auth Flow Diagram

Generate token by following these steps:


Click “Generate”

Generate token step 4


Add description

Generate token step 5


Select validity

Generate token step 6
Generate token step 7


Click “Generate”

Generate token step 8


Copy the generated token

Generate token step 9

Don’t share your secret API keys publicly.

You must make all API calls over HTTPS. Calls that you make over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.